
Vision Oil Analysis for Passenger Car

Small containers of oil lined up

Heavy traffic, modern engine technology, and the rise of the gig economy have all contributed to increased levels of stop-start driving, which can take its toll on both your engine and its oil. These challenging driving patterns make it difficult to predict the length of time or number of miles before an oil change is required. Your oil may need to be changed before the manufacturer recommended interval.

Vision Oil Analysis

By taking a 90 ml oil sample, the condition of your oil and level of engine protection can be identified. Analysis of metal wear particles in the oil indicates engine component condition and any signs of premature wear – giving you a broader picture of the health of your engine.

Sample analysis can also help identify causes of engine failure, or simply give you peace of mind that your engine has been filled with the correct product.

Vision Oil Analysis is available for the Passenger Car, Motorcycle, Classic Car and Performance Vehicle markets. Each kit comes with a tailored form containing a set of questions for you to answer about your specific vehicle, which the technical experts at Millers Oils will use alongside your oil sample analysis results to make recommendations for your oil. Results and recommendations are sent directly to your inbox.

Andy Ogley, Technical Research & Development Manager at Millers Oils says:

“Carrying out oil sample analysis can detect issues such as excessive wear and contamination by water and fuel.

With early detection it is possible to improve engine life and reliability, reduce or even avoid unwanted down-time through component failure.”

Sample analysis reports include information about:


Viscosity is crucial for optimum lubrication, and can change due to contamination or oxidation. If the viscosity is too low there is a risk of oil film failure, increased friction, wear and sensitivity to particle contamination. If the viscosity is too high it can result in poor start-up lubrication, as well as excessive energy consumption and overheating.

Additive level

Additives such as anti-wear and anti-corrosion become depleted over time as they fulfil their purpose in the oil. Once consumed, the oil will be out of specification and no longer be able to provide the required engine protection.


Oil can become contaminated by environmental factors such as water, dust and debris, as well as by other oils. Contamination can alter viscosity, cause premature wear and promote oxidation of the oil.

Wear metals

Wear metals in the oil offer an insight into not just the health of the oil, but the health of the engine components. High levels of a certain metal can indicate that a particular component may need replacing soon.

Click here to find out more – Oil Sample Analysis