Oil Analysis - Fluid Management Division

Our Services

Oil Analysis

An agreed oil sampling schedule can keep our customer’s maintenance departments informed of their machine’s oil condition with the report of the oil analysis results. If any remedial work is needed we work with production teams to limit any potential disruption. Our oil reports include analysis of viscosity, additive level, contamination, wear metals and particular counts, a poor reading on each of these can have consequences on your machinery which may cause unplanned downtime.

We have already helped a large number of businesses in reduce unscheduled downtime through a dedicated Millers Oils Fluid Management programme helping our customers keep their capital equipment running more efficiently and reliably. Below we have a customer’s testimonial whose injection moulding machines were having regular oil-related issues:

“Before partnering with Millers Oils we were having regular issues with our injection moulding machines, resulting in a high level of unplanned downtime, expensive repairs, and frequent disruption to our production schedule.

Six years ago Millers Oils cleaned and refilled our machines, and implemented a fluid management programme of regular oil sampling with filtration work when needed. The savings we’ve made in reducing maintenance downtime and repair costs eclipse the original outlay – and we’ve not yet needed an oil change! I would highly recommend Millers Oils products and services.”

ASD Lighting
Bob Milnes, Mouldshop Manager.

In addition to individual machine hydraulic oil analysis reports and machine overview report, Millers Oils are developing for our customers access to an in-depth web based asset management system which will enable users to closely follow hydraulic oil performance trends and condition monitoring on production machines. This is useful if you are having continuous issues with the same system and you want to carry out comparative tests with other machines to identify potential recurring problems and is also moving towards the next generation of oil management data logging.

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